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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


 Do you know friend this Rasulullah?
If we open Sahih Islamic or Sahih Bukhari, Anas Bin Malik Al-Ansori name common as one of the friends Rasulullah that narrated a lot hadis, know you whom this Anas Bin Malik?

Our Mari see how Anas bin Malik become one of hadis narrator in Rasullullah S.A.W time and how his life during Rasullullah time. History researcher state Anas bin Malik told as much as 1286 sayings during the life with Rasulullah.Wallahua'lam.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh

Rasulullah SAW decree when digging drain in Khandaq war, "..Konstantinopel (now Istanbul) are going to fall to Muslim army hand. The Raja is once king, the military is once military." (Story hadith Imam Ahmad) Muslims race free Konstantinopel to seek honour that pledged by Allah SWT

Padah Melayan Cinta Monyet, jalan menghampiri zina

Padah Melayan Cinta Monyet, jalan menghampiri zina

“Apa yang dimaksud ‘terlajur’ pada ayat ustaz tu?” Tanya seorang pembaca setia laman blog penulis.

“Usahlah ditanya, cukuplah kalimah tersebut menghantui kepala saya sejak kebelakangan ini” Penulis cuba meredakan hati yang sedikit risau melihat gelagat muda-mudi masa kini. Mungkin para teman dan pembaca tertanya-tanya kenapa terlalu banyak mesej pesanan di yahoo messenger hingga memeningkan sesetengah sahabat-sahabat, tidak cukupkah sekali dihantar?

Attitude that endeared Men Women

Wife, homemaker and penyeri living heart of her husband. But unfortunately, the series was left sullen glow when extending the age of marriage. Let us selusuri attitudes of women who loved her husband for standing ties blossom scent.
The Prophet Muhammad, "Three of happiness: Women who when you see it, it was amazing thou, when thou art not he keep her with you and the property."
(Narrated by al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak, measured as hasan by al-Albanian)


Ada yang bertanya mengapa diri tertanya-tanya juga, kenapa cinta selepas kahwin (yang usianya telah bertahun-tahun) tidak sehangat dulu. Dulu, berpisah terasa rindu... tetapi kini lain sekali. Walaupun masih ada rasa rindu, tetapi tidak lagi sehangat dulu. Rinxdu itukan buah cinta, jika tidak ada rindu ertinya tidak ada buah cinta. Cinta yang tidak berbuah, tentulah cinta yang layu!
Bila berjauhan, ada juga berkirim sms, tetapi tidaklah sekerap dulu. Sekadar bertanya, apa khabar di sana? Macam mana anak-anak? Atau sekadar minta doanya. Tidak ada lagi kalimah cinta berbunga-bunga. Atau pujuk rayu yang sayu-sayu. Ah, biasa-biasa sahaja.
Betulkah selagi cinta itu diburu, ia akan indah. Tetapi bila ia telah dimiliki, keindahannya akan pudar sediki


Life is too short to hate. Forgive pair we live like forgive yourself! The error
should be excused huge let alone deliberately exaggerated by our own.
Tirulah nature of Al A'ffu (Sorry Giver) God ... The incessant His pardon me while kitam willing to repent. Only the sin of polytheism, but it ... edge and forgiveness of God is not "bertapi" again.
So who does not want us to forgive our spouse? We are just people who were innocent ... Are we too good to not forgive the sins of others? Indeed, other people are entitled to forgiveness among humans. And most people are entitled to forgiveness that is none other than our spouse.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Keluarga Islamik vs Keluarga Sedang-sedang..

Keluarga sedang-sedang mungkin akan berkata:

"Pas kahwin nanti nak bagi anak bini makan apa?makan pasir ke?"
"Nanti pas kahwin nanti bagi isteri makan magge la setiap hari yer"
"Sekarang pun mak bapak masih tanggung,ada hati nak tanggung anak perempuan orang lain?"
"Poket kosong teringin nak bernikah?Macam mana tu?"
"Kerja takda lagi,nanti nak tanggung bini macam mana?"
"Baik kukuhkan kewangan diri dulu.Mantapkan diri.Baru f